Human Futures off to a promising start
Notes from the opening conference 8.12-9.12.16 at Stakladen, Aarhus
The two-day opening conference for the new research area Human Futures consisted of more than 10 talks from different researches across the field of arts and humanities. All of which offered distinct perspectives on the matters of Human Futures ranging from information sciences to biotech. Philosopher Luciano Floridi delivered an engaging keynote ‘Do we have a human project for a mature information society?’. This triggered great conversations not only over lunch but more importantly in smaller break-out sessions where the participants discussed what could count as inalienable human traits and which technologies will change the human condition the most. Despite, or rather because of, the expected lack of clear-cut answers to the questions, the opening conference and its participants provided great insights and inspiration for the work to come over the course of the next three years.