Aarhus University Seal

Imagining the Anthropocene Future: Extinction, Hope and Technology

A seminar with keynotes by Ursula Heise, Nils Ole Bubandt and Heather Swanson

Info about event


Monday 30 October 2017,  at 10:00 - 15:30


Aarhus, Denmark


Human Futures

Featuring UCLA professor Ursula K. Heise as the opening keynote, this seminar examines narratives on the future with an emphasis on the consequences of humankind's use of technology. With speakers from the disciplines of aesthetics and anthropology, we will examine various aspects of optimism and pessimism as guiding narratives of our time. 


Mogens Zielerstuen

Nordre Ringgade 3, 

8000 Aarhus C 



10:00 - keynote

Ursula Heise, UCLA 

"Biodiversity, Narrative, and the Imagination of the Future"

12:00 - Lunch 

13:00 - Short presentations

Heather Swanson, AU 

"Proliferation in an Time of Extinction"

Jacob Wamberg, AU

"Are the posthuman and the Anthropocene occuring on the same planet?”

Alexander Wilson, AU

"On Why Techno-Optimistic Narratives are Inherently Superstitious"

Nils Ole Bubandt, AU 

“Does Hope Have a Place in an Age of Extinction?”

15:00 - roundtable discussion 

15:30 - end of conference


To sign up please contact tfh@cc.au.dk