Aarhus University Seal

Posthumanist Learning: from relations to processes of relations

Seminar on Posthumanist Learning: from relations to processes of relations.

Info about event


Thursday 16 December 2021,  at 13:00 - 16:00


AU Campus Emdrup: Building 7220, room D170. AU Campus Aarhus: Building 1443, room 240 (via video link).

This seminar, funded by Human Futures, AU, and made in collaboration with the research program Future Technologies, Culture and Learning is a book launch of the book Posthumanist Learning by Cathrine Hasse that came out on Routledge last year. At the seminar, we shall take a fresh look on learning from a posthumanist perspective.

Invited speakers will comment on the book, but also present their own line of thinking about posthumanist learning.

Brief bios:

· Mads Rosendahl Thomsen is professor at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University where her teach and research world literature, posthumanism and the digital humanities. In 2020, he published the anthology The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism together with Jacob Wamberg: https://pure.au.dk/portal/da/persons/mads-rosendahl-thomsen(53e608fe-8aef-4f91-a1d5-26cd0d84449e).html 

· Cathrine Hasse is professor at the Department of Education, Aarhus University and program manager of the research program Future Technologies, Culture and Learning (https://dpu.au.dk/en/research/research-programmes/future-technology/). She is the author of Posthumanist Learning (Routledge 2020) and An Anthropology of Learning (Springer 2015).

· Galit Wellner is adjunct processor at Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities. She studies digital technologies with the tools of Philosophy of Technology, especially postphenomenology. (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vLRIw3sAAAAJ)

· Ernst Schraube is Professor of Social Psychology of Technology in the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University. His teaching and research center on the social and political implications of modern technologies in everyday life, and he is currently working on a project on the significance of digital technology in students' learning and conduct of everyday life. https://forskning.ruc.dk/en/persons/schraube

AU Campus Emdrup: Building 7220, room D170.

AU Campus Aarhus: Building 1443, room 240 (via video link).