Image Analysis and Computer Vision
Crossing boarders between Computer Science and Art History with Leonardo Impett
Info about event
Room 1586-114 (Kasernen)

Human Futures invites everyone to come and join our series of BROWN BAG SEMINARS. On November 12, Leonardo Impett will visit us and speak about image analysis in digital humanities.
Leonardo Impett is a Digital Humanities Scientist at Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max Planck Institute for Art History) in Rome. He is a member of the Digital Humanities Lab, which develops new methods and systems at the interface of Computer Science and Art History. The work here includes a broad range of Digital Humanities fields such as spatial humanities, digitization, computer vision and Open Science. It is the question of computer vision that Impett will touch on at this seminar. In the past few years, Impett has developed computer vision techniques that make it possible to automatically identify gesture from images of painting and reliefs. In this way, Impett is also working on widening the field of Digital Humanities to encompass images, instead of being the largely textual field it is now.
Leonardo Impett will give the main talk at this seminar and Lisbet Tarp (Art History) will be his respondent.
There will be coffee and cookies at the event, and you are welcome to bring along your lunch bag and join the discussion. No registration needed.