Healthcare Systems - Cancelled!
Healthcare and digitization with Klaus Veng.
Info about event
Room 1481-264 (Nobelparken)

-- The event has been cancelled --
Human Futures invites everyone to come and join our series of BROWN BAG SEMINARS. On October 30, Klaus Veng will visit us and speak about digitization in the field of Healthcare.
Klaus Veng Kristensen has a diverse career background starting as a nurse and a fireman, while later taking a master’s degree in Information Science and IT. This lead to that Klaus Veng started to work in the cross field between healthcare and technology— first at Med Tec Innovation Consortium and now as a director at Emento. Emento is a digital platform aimed at improving communication between patients and healthcare professionals, and is an example of how technology and digitization has become part of the Danish healthcare system.
Klaus Veng Kristensen will give the main talk at this seminar and Finn Olesen (Information Science) will be his respondent.
There will be coffee and cookies (not the ones on your computer), and you are welcome to bring along your lunch bag while joining the discussion. No registration needed.