Aarhus University Seal

Seminar on individuality and collectivity

The research project "Human Futures" will host a small seminar on agency, politics and research with a focus on gender and bioethics.

Individuality and collectivity

Understandings of individuality and collectivity are undergoing profound changes. Social media and data driven perspectives on the world provides a new ecology for the individual. Ethical questions pushes the question of who gets to decide for whom to new limits. New understandings of gender have been accepted in parts of society but are also divisive. And the dynamics of group processes, creation of knowledge and interaction between people are making an impact on educational methods. In this symposium the perspective on conflicts of individuality and collectivity are presented prior to an open discussion on how humanities disciplines are reacting to this.

The seminar will take place in meeting room 1580-249 at Kasernen.

Preliminary programme

13.00 Mads Rosendahl Thomsen: Individuality and collectivity across disciplines: An introduction

13.15 Lea Skewes: Gender

13.45 Karin Christiansen: Bioethics

14.30 Coffee

14.45 Cathrine Hasse: Education

15.30 Plenary debate  


To sign up for the seminar, please write Tenna Harbo at tfh@cc.au.dk preferably before 18.4.17. 

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