Aarhus University Seal

Open online course in Posthuman Aesthetics

Begins late September.

Johannes Poulsen lectures on superheros

The idea of 'the posthuman' has emerged as a term that sums up various ideas and realities of a possible, radical change in human existence that would lead to a new mode of being. This category of 'the posthuman' has become an increasingly important issue across a number of disciplines, ranging from microbiology and genetics to philosophy and aesthetics. Manifestations of the posthuman in the visual arts and literature will be the primary topics throughout the course. In addition, the students will be presented with a broad introduction to the historical and contemporary ethical and philosophical concepts relevant to the field. In this way, the course frames the phenomena of the posthuman through the prism of aesthetics.

Learn more her and sign up: http://tdm.au.dk/open/ph/.

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